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Stay on Track in 2021

Jan 01, 2021

2021 is here and motivation is at its peak! It can be easy to jump headfirst into New Year’s resolutions, only to run out of puff after a few weeks. If you want long term change, set realistic goals using our top tips to help you achieve them…

1. Forget the Detoxes

From colon cleanses to juice fasts  ‍, detoxes are believed to be the best way to rid your body of toxins, lose weight and kick start a healthier lifestyle. The truth is though, there is no evidence to support such practices. Our body is well equipped with two kidneys and a liver to filter our blood and eradicate toxins. By simply eating a healthy, balanced diet and ensuring healthy habits each day, we help our body to maintain a balance in the long-term, without the need to “detox”…..whatever the heck that means. Read our Dismissing the Detox blog to learn the five tips we use instead to get back on track at Dietitian Approved.

2. Choose SMART goals

SMART stands...

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5 Tips for SURVIVING the Festive Season

Nov 10, 2020

Summer is well and truly here with the festive season in full swing. Many of us completely ‘let go’ over the festive season as we overindulge on delicious food and alcohol.

Our healthy lifestyle and fitness goals go straight out the window as soon as December hits and it’s not uncommon for people to just accept that weight gain is inevitable. After New Year’s, we then strive to get back on the bandwagon come January.

I challenge you to change your attitude this year and implement my Top 5 tips for SURVIVING this festive season to prevent the silly season bulge.

1. Aim for balance

The holiday period provides plentiful opportunities to overeat and over-drink as special occasions are often centred around food. It’s not a reason to eat as much as you can (despite our competitiveness) or ‘get your money’s worth’ from parties and gatherings. We tend to have this ‘All or Nothing’ mentality, and we forget that you don’t...

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Stay Well This Winter - 5 Tips to Surviving the Cold and Flu Season

Jun 01, 2020

With the cooler weather setting in, the cold and flu season is upon us. There’s nothing worse than getting sick, especially right before a key event! Here are our Top Five Tips for looking after your immune system and staying well this winter.

1. Get your 2 fruit and 5 veggie serves in each day

Vitamins and minerals are important for a huge range of reactions within the body such as growth and repair, muscle function, energy metabolism and protection from free radical damage. If we don’t get enough of certain nutrients, our health and performance suffers. It also increases your risk of getting sick. That doesn’t mean you need to start sucking back the multivitamins.

Focus on getting a variety of nutrients each day from fresh fruits and vegetables. The more colours, the better to ensure you’re getting a wide range of important, sickness busting vitamins and minerals.

Keep up your daily dose of 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables during...

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Eating For Immunity - Coffee & Questions - 22nd May 2020

May 22, 2020

Coffee & Questions - 22nd May 2020

Now that the colder months are upon us down under, it’s time to be proactive with our nutrition for the best immune system defence.
Today I'm giving you my top 5 tips to Eat for Immunity!
  1. Rest and Recovery is key!
  2. Avoid low Energy Availability
  3. Carbohydrate is protective
  4. Eat the Rainbow
  5. Prevent dehydration

You can read more here

For more specific advice to stay healthy right now, make sure you check out my Stay Healthy During Isolation Course! It's jam-packed with lots of nutrition gold nuggets!

Tags: Coffee & Questions, Brisbane dietitian, Brisbane sports dietitian, Dietitian Approved, Dietitian Brisbane, immune function, immunity, nutrition and immunity, Sports Dietitian Australia, Sports Dietitian Brisbane, Eating for Immunity, Immune Support, Stay Healthy During Isolation
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5 Tips for Staying Healthy During Isolation

Apr 30, 2020

Now more than ever it’s important to eat well and look after ourselves. As a dietitian, I feel like it's my mission to help you through this crazy time with practical, easy to understand and implement advice, no matter where you are! In the best way I know how – nutrition!

In a world of uncertainty, sometimes it can help to focus on something. Why not use this time wisely to learn and implement some of the foundations of healthy eating?!

So here are My Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy During Isolation to celebrate the launch of my new online course! Watch the replay from the LIVE recording or read through the summary below  

1.   Eat Well 

  • A lot of people are stressed about gaining weight at the moment, coming out of this in a bad place and undoing all of their hard work building fitness from the start of the season. But now is not the time to crash diet. Or put too much pressure on ourselves for that matter! It's not the time to put...
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Dismissing the Detox

Sep 24, 2019

This obsession with the ‘detox’ seems to come from a place of wanting to drastically reset our body. Usually following a period of indulgence in high fat and sugary foods, and probably a few too many wines or beers as well. The idea of a detox is plucked up as a saving grace as if days or weeks of denying our bodies whole foods packed with nutrients can be rapidly undone. Unfortunately, to be the bearer of bad news on this one, that’s not quite how our digestive system functions. On the flip side, you can save yourself a whole lot of money, and discomfort, by steering clear of these fads.

Clearing up the science

When it comes to toxins entering our body from food or drink, the systems we have in place to remove them are already quite good at their job without the help of a juice cleanse! Whether it’s alcohol, medication, environmental toxins or bacteria from food, there is a scientific explanation for how these toxins are eliminated. Although I could talk for...

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Healthy Eating for Men

Nov 18, 2018

When men think of healthy eating for some reason, they automatically think they have to eat salad. But we’re here to tell you, you can be healthy without having to resort to boring rabbit food!

Men and women aren’t that different when it comes to daily nutrition. Yes, men tend to have more muscle mass which increases their requirements compared to a female. But nutritionally speaking, men still need a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to tick along each day. If you’re a ‘skip the veggies, pile on the meat’ type of guy, don’t worry we’re not about to suggest you turn your phone off and lock yourself at home eating chicken, broccoli and rice to meet your goals!

We surveyed all the men in our lives and found some common themes when it came to eating habits. Based on these findings, here are our Top Tips to Eating Healthy as a Dude while still balancing life and the bro-code.

Common Man Trend No. 1 – Skimping on the veggies


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Eating for Mental Performance

Oct 31, 2018

As life gets busy, eating well can easily take a back-seat when there’s tight deadlines and a million other things to do! But when you’re busy, stressed and time-poor, it’s even more important to eat well to get the most out of your day.

Food is fuel for our bodies and our brain, so if you want to maximise your mental performance and get even more productive, try implementing my Top 5 Tips for Mental Performance today!

1. Choose low GI, whole grains (avoiding white)

Choosing lower GI carbohydrate sources such a whole-grain bread and cereals, brown rice, legumes etc. slows the release of glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream and your brain. This avoids those sugar highs and lows, instead drip-feeding the release of fuel to your brain so you can focus better, with more clarity for longer.

2. Include oily fish at least 3 x per week

Oily fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, mackerel are a great source of omega-3 fats which are critical for brain function...

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Eating for Immunity

Aug 10, 2018

Now that the colder months are upon us, it’s time to be proactive with our nutrition for the best immune system defence.

For active people, immune function plays a role not only in fighting off infections but also in promoting tissue repair to recover from exercise and injury (1). To function properly, the immune system requires lots of nutrients – both macro and micronutrients. For an athlete under heavy training load, requirements are even higher putting you at risk of a suppressed immune system if you’re not meeting your needs.

To help you stay well over the colder months, we’ve put together a few key points to keep you firing on all cylinders this winter!

1. Rest and Recovery is Key

Regardless of the type or intensity, exercise places stress on the body – meaning your immune system has to work harder to build and repair damaged tissue (1). Moderate training loads can be protective against illness. Whereas heavy training loads, particularly with...

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3 Benefits to Eating What’s in Season

Sep 06, 2017

Fruits and vegetables naturally grow in cycles and ripen during a certain season each year. Purchasing your fruits and vegetables when they naturally ripen is called ‘eating seasonally’, and eating with the seasons has some serious perks to it. 

1. Bang for your buck 

Choosing seasonal produce can help you get the most value out of your dollar. Fruits and vegetables picked during their season are in peak supply and this means the cost of growing, harvesting and transporting produce is much lower. If your produce is sourced locally from Australian farmers, the cost of transporting and storing the crops is reduced too. All of these savings are passed on to you, the consumer. For example, buying berries when they are in season is much friendlier on the wallet than buying in their offseason when prices can double or even triple!

2. Tastier

Non-seasonal produce typically must be harvested before it is ripe, cooled to stall ripening, stored and transported...

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