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Estimate your sweat rate: New free tool! With Lindsey Hunt

Oct 18, 2024

As a sports dietitian specialising in triathlon, one of the key elements I focus on with my clients is hydration strategy. Hydration plays a critical role in performance, and understanding your sweat rate is key to optimising your fluid intake.

Recently I was lucky enough to sit down with Lindsey Hunt, a senior sports scientist at Precision Fuel and Hydration, to discuss his work in this area and the great new tool that came from it. With an impressive academic background and hands-on research in human thermoregulation, Lindsey's insights are invaluable for athletes looking to fine-tune their hydration strategies.

Lindsey's research primarily focused on whole-body sweat rate prediction in both indoor and outdoor running and cycling. This involved numerous exercise trials with a broad cohort of participants to gather a comprehensive understanding of sweat rates across different conditions.

The culmination of this research is the sweat rate calculator, a free tool that helps you...

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Fuelled For Success: Preparing For Her First Ironman With Christine Orlowicz

Oct 11, 2024

Today I’m joined by Christine Orlowicz, a dedicated age-group triathlete from Fort Myers, Florida, who’s been having an exceptional race season. Christine joined us late at night to share her journey, challenges, and success in mastering her nutrition plan, all while balancing a demanding career as a physician.

Originally a runner, Christine entered the world of triathlon almost three years ago, with her first race being in December 2021. She started incorporating swimming and biking into her training routine, and triathlon was a natural progression from there. One of the biggest things Christine loves about this sport is the community, which she’s found a lot more welcoming and supportive than for other sports she’s been a part of.

From the onset, Christine recognised the importance of proper nutrition in her triathlon journey. She joined the Triathlon Nutrition Academy well before hitting her first 70.3 race and this has paid off majorly.

While many...

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Our Favourite Sports Nutrition Products

Oct 04, 2024

When it comes to sports nutrition products, there are a million products and there's always something new promising to boost performance, enhance recovery, or just make training that little bit easier. With the sheer volume of options, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why I’m sitting down with some Triathlon Nutrition Academy members, athletes just like you, and asking them about their favourite products.

To provide these insights, we are joined by Christine from Fort Myers, Florida, Tony Hampton from Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Steve Duquette from Ontario, Canada. Each has their preferences in sports nutrition, offering diverse perspectives to guide your choices.


Christine's Top Picks

Christine highlighted AMACX gels as her recent favourite for their liquid consistency and high sodium content, ideal for athletes who sweat heavily. She also praises Scratch Labs for hydration, which has proven gentle on her stomach during intense sessions and has a great range of...

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Hall Of Fame Swimmer Turned Triathlete: Chad Rolfs On Training, Racing And Nutrition

Sep 27, 2024

When you think of an elite athlete, a Division One All-American swimmer might come to mind. But what if that same athlete also excelled in triathlons, coached others to success, and balanced a full-time job? Meet Chad Rolfs, an extraordinary athlete who joins me fresh off an incredible performance at the Washington 70.3, to share his passion, his journey, and his nutrition strategy.  

Chad began his athletic journey as a distinguished swimmer. A Division One All-American swimmer in college, Chad was inducted into the Washington Interscholastic Aquatics Coaches Association Hall of Fame. He was known for events like the 50m Free, 200m Free, and 100m Backstroke, boasting impressive times such as a 21.15-second 50m Free back in 1989. After concluding his swimming career, Chad transitioned into coaching high school swimming for nine seasons. His passion for sports didn't wane, and in 2017, he ventured into triathlons.

Fast forward to 2024 and Chad has just completed the...

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The nutrition changes that are helping Troy Bauerle see massive success, fast!

Sep 20, 2024

As a sports dietician, I’m always thrilled to witness the remarkable transformations of athletes who discover the true potential of tailored nutrition.

Today, I'm excited to share the incredible journey of Troy Bauerle, a triathlete from Echuca, Victoria, who improved his performance (practically) overnight by overhauling his nutrition.

He’s fresh off a fantastic race performance at the Long Course Worlds in Townsville. Despite a major injury that prevented proper run training, Troy still completed the course in under six and a half hours. He’s an absolute weapon!

Troy admits he was clueless about nutrition when he first started. He had no idea about the importance of carbohydrates or proteins or how essential it was to plan his meals around his training. Like many athletes, he thought sheer willpower and effort were enough for peak performance. However, this couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Troy's major turning point was when he stumbled upon one...

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Sunshine Coast 70.3 race report

Sep 13, 2024

The Sunshine Coast 70.3 race has always been an event to look forward to, but this year, it took on a special meaning as it became the first TNA event. We had people fly in from all over the world and they’re sitting down with me today for a post-race recap.

For this discussion I’m joined by Kelly (who made the journey from Idaho Falls, USA),  Steve (who travelled from a tiny town near Ontario, Canada),  Lyn (from Adelaide), and Mokka (from New South Wales). It was fantastic to finally meet in person those we had only seen virtually for years. Steve won the award for the furthest distance travelled, covering a whopping 14,912 kilometres!

It’s no secret that proper race preparation often involves spending a lot of time alone, maintaining optimal nutrition, and resting. However, our excitement to be together meant we were constantly socialising. While it wasn’t ideal for race prep, it was too enjoyable to resist. Stephen, for instance, had to remind...

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Meredith's long game preparation for Ironman World Championship Nice

Sep 06, 2024

How does one go from never planning to run to conquering the Ironman World Championship? Join us as Meredith McKenzie shares her incredible journey and the pivotal role of nutrition in her success.

Meredith's passion for triathlon started unexpectedly during a difficult period in her personal life. She joined a biking group for the emotional outlet it provided and found it meditative. Her friends encouraged her to participate in the Lava Man triathlon in Hawaii, an Olympic-length event. Despite initial resistance and never having run before, she eventually gave in to their persuasion, attempting her first triathlon.

From there, it wasn’t long before Meredith was signing up for more events, including 70.3 races and full-distance Ironman competitions.  Despite frequent headaches and low energy levels, Meredith thought she was doing alright with her diet. It wasn’t until she started the academy's program that she realised the importance of a well-structured nutritional...

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How to beat jet lag and maximise race performance

Aug 30, 2024

Jet lag can be a triathlete’s worst nightmare. We train for months to perform at our best but international travel leaves us feeling sluggish and out of sync on race day.

What if there was a way to outsmart jet lag and step off the plane feeling sharp and race-ready? It might sound too good to be true but it’s not. I’ve just recorded a masterclass about beating jet lag for my TNA athletes and I want to share some of those hot tips with you too!

So, what exactly is jet lag? It’s that horrible feeling you get when there's a mismatch between your body clock and the new time zone. It's a common issue when travelling overseas, particularly when crossing multiple time zones. Symptoms increase and adjustment times are longer the more time zones you cross. Living in Australia, where it often takes 24 hours on a plane to reach the other side of the world, we're well-acquainted with the feeling.

Some common symptoms of jet lag include:

  • Poor sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Gut...
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What Leanne has learnt from 18 Ironmans!

Aug 16, 2024

Are you ready to delve into the mind of an incredible triathlete who's completed 18 Ironman races?

Yes, you heard that right, eighteen!

Leanne, an age-group athlete, has been tackling triathlons for a whopping 30 years. Not only that, but she balances this passion with raising three children and working. Her experience is vast, her knowledge is deep, and today, she's ready to share her wisdom with us.

One of Leanne’s biggest takeaways has been the importance of flexibility in training and nutrition. While we need to strive for consistency, life is unpredictable, and we need to adapt when things don’t go as planned. She advises you to do whatever you can rather than nothing at all. If you miss a session or have a bad week, don’t stress. Pick up where you left off and keep going.

Something else that made a huge difference for Leanne was having a solid support system with people who share her passion. Whether it's friends joining you for a training session or being a...

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Top 10 Superfoods for Endurance Athletes

Aug 02, 2024

Wondering how to fine-tune your nutrition for peak endurance performance?

I’ve got you covered. 

Today, I'll be sharing my top 10 "superfoods" that every endurance athlete should consider incorporating into their diet. I’m not talking about the typical marketing gimmick superfoods; I’m talking about nutrient-dense foods that genuinely enhance performance and overall health.

  1. Berries are rich in antioxidants, in particular flavonoids, that help combat inflammation and oxidative stress from exercise. They’re also a great option for a low-carb, low-calorie snack that satisfies your sweet tooth. Berries are best when they’re fresh, locally grown and in season, but frozen berries can provide a good variety all year round!
  2. Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein and contain the amino acid leucine, which promotes muscle protein synthesis. They are also nutrient-dense, providing B vitamins, choline, selenium, vitamin A, iron and...
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